Friday, October 14, 2005


Jimmy Lee said...

This dude is way to kool

Bickler3 said...

just had to leave a comment...on your own blog huh?

Jimmy Lee said...

YES I DID !!!!

Kristina said...

You know what runs through my mind, what you two will be like when you're old!? You just crack me up!

Kristina said...

Oh, and Jim, you don't have to keep putting a "J" at the bottom of your posts... we know who you are now.

Jimmy Lee said...

Hey its my Blog I can do and say anything I want!!! SO THERE!!!!
I am going to be rid of this pain in my butt before I retire and move to Fiji on the insurance money just like she used to always threaten to do to me.
So I don't know what you are imagining us to be like in our old age!!!


Kristina said...

Uh, would you please clarify what this pain in your back side is? Please, PLEASE tell me that you weren't refering to your lovely wife.

Bickler3 said...

Dont worry Kristina...he would have to catch me first...I am way to quick for that old man !!

Jimmy Lee said...

YES I WAS !!!! Ask her to explain this to all you ladies. The killing me off an moving to a tropical island thing.

Jimmy Lee said...

O I'm Sorrry its not a pain in the but what was it shee called me the other day??? HUnny my sweet darling love could you please refresh my feeble memory of the NAMES YOU were calling me!?!?!?

Kristina said...

I personally have a few names... but I'd like to remain friends. So I'd better not.

Bickler3 said...

My love, sweet husband , what ever could you be talking about..?...I only whisper sweet nothings to you......

Jimmy Lee said...

yeah whatever as if