Thursday, December 01, 2005

Five Frogs

“Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? There are still five - because there’s a difference between deciding and doing.” “Five Frogs On A Log” by Mark L Feldman & Michael F Spratt


Kristina said...

Are you trying to mess with our tired minds?!

Bickler3 said...

Obviously...I did mess with your tired mind.....Theres a diffrence between trying and doing...hee hee hee

Chickadeeva said...

Um, I don't get it?

Jimmy Lee said...

Just because you decide to do something dosen't mean you actually did it. Therfore the frogs did not jump off the log -- I decided to get in shape last year but I never did anything to make that a reality. I will say this year after I read my bible at bed time I am doing pushups and situps(crunches) and I am actually thining about starting to run again?!?!?!? Last year I decided this year I am doing. Does that help ?!?!?!